Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Solution to Problem of the Week 9/1/08

Many of you left some pretty good answers. But it looks like the best two solutions and explanations go to Josh M. and Kathryn I. Nice job, to the both of you. Here is the solution and explanation:

In this sequence there are two “sub-sequences.”

A, 2, C, 3, F, 5, K, 7, ___, ___...

A, 2, C, 3, F, 5, K, 7, ___, ___...

The first sequence is just a list of prime numbers. This tells us that the second blank would be 11.

The second sequence is dependant on the first. If A equals 1, B equals 2, etc… you can add the number value of the letter to the number that follows it in the sequence to get the number value of the next letter.
A = 1
A + 2 = 3
3 = C
Since K corresponds to 11 the next letter blank should be R.
(11 + 7 = 18; 18 = R)


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