Every year students come into class with a bunch of goals. Some goals are met and some are not. Often times it takes a while for the "light to come on." I would like to hear from you all regarding your goals that you had for yourselves and how you feel you did in achieving those goals. In what way did the light come on for you? What are some things that you wish you had done differently? Click on the comment button below to submit a comment. Have a great summer.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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hey Mr. Cox
This year I tought math would be boring, and all we would learn is the suff we learned last year. But, i was wrong, I learned a lot more stuff. My grandma told me that I improved from the begining of the year. I just wanted to say thak you for all you did. Thank You very much.
*Ashley Flores
At the beginning of the year I was kind of unsure of how to do Algebra. It was hard, but as we went over the standards again and again, I started to understand it more. I think that if I would have gone over my notes more I would have done a way better job. Hopefully I have learned from my mistakes and will not be so lazy next year. Thanky You Mr. Cox.
Nick Gomez
Well I didn't really have any goals set for this year. I just wanted to get through the year with good grades and actually learn. I think that I should of had better study habits and reviewed my notes more. Well thats it..
I learned that I need to pay atention more and not mess around in class. This year really helped me learn how to act in class. Hopefully I will know how to act in class for my 8TH grade year.
I had goals about learning stuff about algebra. You helped me learn those things but I still don't remember some of the stuff but I will learn it.
When i started this class, i wasn't sure that i will be able to do all math problems. I dont like to ask questions so i just listened to what you were saying and understood it quite easily. Although other people were asking questions that i needed answering, so i just sat there. And whenever you were explaining to someone else, i was taliking to other people in my group and disturbing them. And for that i am sorry, Mr. Cox.
Dear Mr. Cox
In the beginning of the year I was in your class I wasn't sure if I should even be in the "Gate Kids Class". But after my brother made me set some pretty high goals and helped me achieve them i felt that I did belong. I thank you for you too helping me achieve my goals.Thank you!
-maria c.
BRittney Ruffa-
This year i have learned a lot about both math and myself. I learned that If i apply myself i can do anything i want like learn algabra. When i first came into this class i wasnt so sure i could do what was expected. Also i learned that i am really good at math this year it has been one of my favorte classes. I've been really happy with my grade this year.So i did reach my goal of accoplishing this class and surviving the csts. I could have put more effort into my work this year and gotten a better grade.
I came in wanting to study and work hard. I also had a goal to keep my grades up. The light came on when you started posting examples. I wish I would've studied my notes a little more.
i really learned alot this year. At first i was unsure on how i would do algebra but as we went along i got it renfornce it. I can't wait till next year 2 learn more about math!!!!!!!!! Thanks alot for all the help can't wait till next year. HAve a great summer Mr. cox
When this school year began I really wasn't sure about this class. I didn't overly enjoy math so I thought it would be really boring. This class ended up being one of my favorite classes. I like math way more than I did at the beginning of the year. I can't wait for Geometry. Thanks for a great school year.
TJ Keck
At the beginning of the year, I was anxious and wanted to have the year over and didn't make any goals. Going through the year, I was mad at myself about making no goals. I was also bad at math and hated it. Through the years my mom and dad kept complementingof how well I hace inproved. Thank you Mr. cox for the great year of math and algebra
This year I was sure that math would be really hard and boring but you made it easy to understand.I have learned a lot about math and from this lass I have learned what real studying is. I have been challenged this year but have still had a lot of fun. I have been kind of lazy but I think I have learned from my mistakes and will do better next year no matter what class I'm in. You have taught me a lot more than just algebra and pre-algebra. Thank you for teaching me so much.
-Madeline Lewis-Whitfield
This year was pretty fun being in your class. I was nervous at the beginning of the year, and I am still kind of nervous, but i got through the year alright! Thanks for the opportunity to learn algebra. Thanks for everything.
Mr. Cox,
We realy did learn a lot this year. It was really hard for me most of the year but as it went on I started to understand things better. Over the summer I going to review algebra standards so that I can understand them and not forget them. Next year I will take math more seriously and I will review my notes. I wish I tried harder this year and next year I will really try hard to get an A in the class.
This year I came in thinking that Algebra would be really hard, and it was, but my actual problem was that I got too absorbed in having friends and fitting in that I didn't see that what really mattered was my grades,I think I realized my goal later in the year, and tried to acheive it. I'm sure it would have been harder if I didn't have a such a supportive teacher like you=]
So Thank you,Gracias,Gratsi
(English, Spanish, Italian)
~Anna Moore~
This year was the one of the funnest years of math. Sometimes I was not really in math but sometime I was in the math. Also my brother said Hi. I made mess up sometime this year but next year well try not to made those same mess up.
Misty White
Mr. Cox,
Thanks for all that you've done for us this year. I really appreciate you, taking your time to teach us math. I've really met my goal for this year. My goal was to learn as many things as i could; and yes, i did. Again, i would like to give you my greatest thanks...
At the beginning of the year I wasn't sure if I should have been in the 7th grade Algebra class, but as the year went on I relaxed . And since you started posting the examples online it's cleared everthing up for me. I do wish I would have looked over my notes more and would have come in after class more and asked more quesions in class. Thankyou for your all that you've done and I hope to be in your geometry class.
-Caleb Parnell
Mr. Cox,
I'm glad that I could be in this class because for the few weeks that I was in a regular algebra class it was so easy. This year I learned new thing in algebra but I had known most of the Pre Algebra stuff already. I'm looking forward to next year's geometry and other years ahead in math. I want to be a better studier next year but I have a bad habit of not doing it at all. I do pretty well on my tests so I guess I thought that it didnt matter to study, but in the future I know the tests will be harder and I will have to study and take better notes to pass them. I also wanted to say thanks.
*Eva Kelly
Dear Mr.Cox,
At the beginning of the year I was prety sure of myself, but then I started to struggle juggling my school work in math and my home life. Even though it was tough I still have learned a great deal. Next year my goal is to make my math class a higher priority and take better notes. Thank you for your time.
Dear Mr. Cox,
I had many goals ccoing no thi school year including doing great and achieve many honoring goals. I expected to understand all quite easily and simply do great in my class. I learned that II would simply have to put in extra hours and work at outimal performance to ahcieve these goals; this is when the light began to turn n ad all function smoothly. From this point my goals were acomplished and I began to have a beter school year, one that was muh more enjoable.
First i thought that Algebra was going to be really hard. But as time went on it actually got a lot easier to understand. There were a couple of parts I had some trouble on but after looking at some examples it got a lot easier. i had a lot of fun this year. thank you Mr.Cox
Fernando Gonzalez
At first I didn't think I liked this class but as the year progressed I learned a whole lot more compared to any of my other class's. Thanks Mr. Cox for a great year
Adam Kittrell
Hi Mr. Cox
The beginning of the school year i was not sure if I should be in this
advance Algebra class. I thought it would be hard and confusing, but i now i think i fun and kinda cool. So all I have to say is that Thank You very much!!!
-Daniel Jenkins =]
At the beginning of the year I didn't feel so comfortable being in an advanced math class.I felt nervous because I thought I didn't belong in this class.Now I feel I am good at it.I think it is way easier now, than at the beginning of the year.
Thanks,Mr.Cox Jose Palacios
Mr. Cox whenn a I heard that I was in advance manth i thought it was going to be hard .It was actualy one of the hardest subjects I had in 7 grade , I like it because it was challengeing fis classor me although thankyou Mr. Cox this was one of my bestest class because I learned new intresting subjects, see you next year!!!
man in the beginning of the year i didnt want to be in this and i use to hate you for all the hard work you gave but than i learned alot of mathematical things that the lower class wouldnt have showed us usualy i learn little by little but this year it was a big jump
Thanks Mr.Cox
Dear Mr.Cox
At the beginning of the year I thought I didn't belong in this class but as the year passed by io got more comfortable in this class. When I came in was come in to 7th grade I liked math but then I started disliking it. Then i found out I had a great teacher and i started to understand Algebra more and I liked Math more than ever. I thank you for all the things i have learned from you this year.
Bladimir Lara
Dear Mr. Cox
At the beginning of the year I thought that I felt like an outsider in this class, but as the year flew by I found out that I felt that I belong in this class and then I made friends here I started learnning more ALGEBRA theres is a lot of things I thank you for putting up with me and understanding me. now I think I can with stsnd 8th grade and use the example to help me out. I also thank you for this oppertunity.
Sincerly, Patrick Bosquez
P.S. you are my favorite teacher, but don't tell other teahers.
i never thought i would have made it through the year here in this class,but im glad i was thinking about leaveing this class in the first semester but im glad I did'nt.I think if i would have i wouldnt have achieved my goals.I didnt achieve all of my goals this year but next year i would
is the fact that i cant keep focus very long as i would like to.I think that if i would have kept focus longer and looked at my notebook alot more than i did this year i would have done better. I hope next year i can achieve my goals and stay focused longer than i did this year
-Julio Rodriguez
Mr. Cox I learned many things in this class I had my funtimes @ bad ones athough I like when people challenge me @ learn not to give up on things I'm glad that I am in a advance class because I learned all kinds of different subjects with a fun teacher !!!My goals were to overcome this class but i realise that I couldn't because this was a challenging class . -Juan Manuel Avila Lopez =]
I thought that math was not going to be challenging at all. I was wrong, we learned lots of things that I never knew even existed. Sometimes I didn't even understand the things we learned. I thought it was going to be the same as last year: easy, not challenging, I would always get A's on everything. I was even in Pre-albebra last year. I was always in advanced math.I learned Algebra!!
Thanks for all your help Mr.Cox
-Vanessa Felix!
I would like to say thank you Mr. Cox. You helped me learn a lot this school year. I was already sure that I would be able to grasp all of the concepts of algebra. For me the light bulb was never really off in the first place. Although, there were some times when I needed a little help. Still, you always taught me how to do it. I like math, and this year I learned that math is a broad topic. You encouraged me to keep on learning more an more about math. Thank you Mr. Cox.
Rigo Molina
I never used to like math until i came in this class.
I liked the way you explained everything step by step.
This year I wasn't present for a lot of days but half way through the year I discovered that I really did like math.
I think that you taught this subject very well.
Now I think this is my favorite subject, I want to thank you for all you did, and the support you gave me throughout the year i was here.
!Jaymee Perez!
hey Mr. Cox!
Well, it was nice having you as my math teacher this year!
I've really learned a lot this year eventhough i thought that i wasn't going to make it through the year!
and i did..
I was really nervous at first to take algebra but i knew i was going to be able to do it!
Eventhough it may be complicating, algebra isn't really that bad.
I've learned so many standards this year from easy to hard!
Well, thank you for all the teachings you've done for us and i really appreciate it!
Through out the year I have struggled. At the beginning of the year I thought it was a mistake that I was in the class, it seemed as if I was the only person that didn't fit in. But as the year progressed i became more and more confident in myself. I'm very proud that I actually made it through the whole school year! Now i can only hope that I get to be in your Geometry class next year!
Queen Carina!
This year in your class I learned about algebra and geometry. I learned that algebra is not as hard as it seems. It is probably my favorite subject this year. I learned how to solve equations, inequalites, and use the quadratic formula. So, thank you for being a very good teacher this year and I hope that I could be in your geometry class next year.
-Josh Mahurien
Hey Mr. Cox
I have learned so much this year and at the beginning I didn't think that I could achieve what i did. You showed me so much in just one year and now i feel prepared to take on any challenge that comes my way. From all of the lectures and all of the hard work, I have learned how to become a better student and a better person. You have showed me so much and I am going to miss you when i leave next year. Yes i have made a decision and it wasn't an easy one, but don't worry I will check the online examples about geometry just so that i know whats going on in class=) You were the best teacher and i want to thankyou for your patience to us "shopping carts." Good luck with your new seventh graders next year and don't forget about me!!!!
-vanessa lambatan
This year I was kind of nervous to be in an advanced Algebra class as a 7th grader,I must say it was actually harder than I thought it would be,although some of the standards we learned were easy,I really learned a whole lot more stuff that I didn't know before. Thank you for all that you have taught me and hope I have you as a teacher next year. HAVE A FUN SUMMER!!!!!!!!
*Felishia Campbell
At the begining of the year i didnt feel smart enough to be in this class be farther in the year i started to feel better because i learned alot from this class so thank you MR.COX
This year I thought algebra was going to be challenging,but after a while of you teaching and walking us through each lesson I started understanding each standard.I learned many standards that went from easy to hard.I just want to say thanks for a great year.
Jessica Gutierrez
Dear Mr. Cox,
I had many goals coming into this school year including doing a great job, and achieve many honorable goals. I expected to understand all, quite easily and simply do great in my math class. I learned that I would simply have to put in extra hours and not to give up, to achieve these goals; this is when the light began to turn on and most began to function smoothly. From this point my goals were mostly accomplished, and I began to have a better school year (one that was much more enjoyable). If I were to change my actions this year in any way, I would have tried to go through the class period in a God honoring fashion.
Thank you for your time, and the hope you brought through your encouragement and actions.
Have a great summer, Austin Kittrell.☻
June 5, 2008 10:55 AM
Mr. Cox,
At the beginning of the year, i thought math would be really hard because we were starting Geaometry. My goals were to try my hardest, learn a lot, and do well in the class. It turned out though, that it wasnt really hard until we started getting a lot of thereoms and proofs. Then i would sort of check out when we were doing our calendar and end up having to do it at home where no one could explain it to me. I realized though, that this wasnt going to help me any and i started taking better notes in class and getting help if I needed it. Something I would have done differently is take more time to review my notes and take good notes all the time, not just when I think I need it.
You are a great teacher Mr. Cox. Have a great summer.
-Kelsey McCabe
This year was fun and educational.Ilearned many new standards that I never new how to do.I just want to thank you for a great year.
Beatriz Gonzalez
Sorry Mr. Cox,
My comment is late but i just wanted to post one anyways.I cameinto math class this year i was not sure what to think. I learned things that were easy and things that were difficult. I have learned a lot.I am glad I madeit through the whole school year. My goal was to be the best I can be. I think I achieved that. I am so proud that next year i am going to have you as a teacher. Have A Great Summer!!!!!!
~Emily Reynoso~
At the beginning of the year I thouoght this was going to be hard, but when I got into it I started to like it some more. I always had goals to do great in my tests and in learning.Everyday I was excited to go to school because I was going to learn something new. I learn so many standars that I didn't know but I'm glad I got to know them because now I could use them.
Thank you, Mr. Cox
*Erika Rosales*
Hi Mr. COx,
Okay at the begging of the year I was worried if I was going to make it. Then you moved me to 4th and 5th period math. And it seemed that I could learn more. My goals this year was to try hard all year and to focus. I think I may have met my goal a lot. "Algebra"...I knew this is the grade that I had to work the hardest on. Once I got through the middle of the school year I was so glad I was in Algebra, THANK YOU for teaching me what I can suceed if I take the time to learn it!!!
-AsHlEe HaLoPoFf
HI Mr. Cox.
it is Eva. This year I am probably looking forward to all the interesting conversations we are going to have. After seeing the conversations about infinity that we have had already in a few days i cant wait until we get more into geometry and we even more interesting talks.
-Eva Kelly :)
Hey mr.cox,
This is emily. Well i am looking forward to doing geometry.These first few days have been confusing, but i think as the year goes on it will get easier. A goal i have is to actually go through the whole year in you GEOMETRY class! I am going to try my best!
Hey mr.cox,
This is felishia.When I found out that I was going to be in your class again for Geometry I was excited, and nervous at the same time.I was excited about getting to face new challenges and nervous becasuse I didn't know what to expect. The first few days for me were sorat confusing listening to everyone talk about what they thought.Even though some of it is confusing to me know, I know as the year goes on it will become much easier to me. All I can say is that my goal is to try my best and get through the whole Geometry class.
I understand algebra a lot better now since I've been in your class, and I really enjoy it. I like the class because of the smart board and the clickers we use. I look forward to learning advanced math and algebra. Thank you
- abel contreras
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